Thursday, 28 July 2016

Selfless Mobility Service at the Door Steps

Mobility scooter hire with small turning radius are very useful for indoor travelling. Such vehicles are custom-made for small distances with nominal battery functionality. Class 3 scooters are deployed for long distances. The company Mobility Equipment Hire Direct offers reliable and robust scooters that can travel up to 13 kilometer per hour. Head lights and reflectors make these vehicles as luxurious as one would ever imagine. Battery lifetime of class 3 type of vehicles is extra-ordinary. The support team caters to the needs of all sorts of requirements with acuity. The manufacturing unit offer scooters with stupendous seating arrangements. The seats can be adjusted front and back. Small tilting can also be done up and down if the comfort level demands such prerequisites. Pneumatic and solid tyres of highest quality are adopted. The tyre pressure will be kept intact to give smooth drive.

Moreover, lightweight wheelchair hire in London is also possible for disabled persons on the roadside. The manufacturing unit adopts aluminium frames to ensure minimum weight considerations. Self propelling feature with good sturdiness provide great luxury to the customers. The safety measures on any of the products are never compromised. The standout qualities are listed below:

1. If any fault is detected on the  products, replacement is guaranteed within twelve hours.

2. International insurance package with affordable charges

3. The whole rental process is hassle-free

4. Calf support and cushion seat of varying size for disabled patients

5. Uninterrupted service at shops, hospitals and airports

6. Accredited by competent authorities of the city

7. Discounted prices are available for all type of wheel chairs

Mobility Scooter Hire In London

Travelling is inevitable in this fast-paced world. The disabled and elderly people need proper assistance if they are moving out of their home towns. Exclusive mobility equipments are offered in London to help them. The comfort factor is ensured by well equipped machines. Relaxed seating and spacious leg room are assured by the manufacturers. Battery capacity and all relevant controls will be educated to the customers before renting the machines. The requirement will vary according to the desire of the people involved in the transport. Place of transport such as road, pavement or shops require specific automobiles. The customer’s varying demand is answered with selfless service at Mobility Equipment Hire Direct. Well-trained team of experts is employed to check the safety precautions. The following are the routine checks carried out at the inventory unit:

1. Checking of wires and plugs for proper connectivity

2. Locking of all assembly units

3. Checking of battery and brakes

4. Verification of tyre inflation range

The company provides the best billing procedures in the city. As the facility is provided to the disabled people, the feelings of such people are given utmost importance. The empathy for such people formulates the renting procedure as typical social service. Its motto insists on providing inexorable help to the disabled people all over the city. Thus, Mobility Equipment Hire Direct pride revolves around the sentiment of customer’s satisfaction.

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